Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit 8 DQ Strategic Management And Business Policy


Q Discuss how you could apply the concepts learned in this course to your current or future career. Name at least one strategic management model discussed during this term that you would use, and explain why you selected this model. How might you incorporate information from this model to positively impact your career success?

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This course has been an informative and enriching one. We got to learn the both contemporary and traditional approaches towards strategy formulation. Concepts regarding corporate governance, board of directors, planning, implementation and evaluation were cleared up. We got to know about the various strategic models. To be honest I found all the strategic methods useful and they must be used in running business. The SWOT analysis is something that must be incorporated in the very beginning. I would use this strategic model because, when a company is aware of the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat, it helps it to plan properly for the upcoming challenges. The SWOT analysis also helps in proper delegation of tasks.